The public relations blogging field is crowded with contenders. There are so many good reads out there. My RSS feedreader has about 150 blogs in it, about a third of them PR blogs that I monitor, the rest blogs and feeds I monitor for clients.
I have been blogging for just over a year and one of my favorite blogs is New Millennium PR, which is authored by Andrea Weckerle. Andrea is a fantastic writer and started her blog just after I did. Today is her Andrea’s blogging anniversary, and this was her very first post.
Over the year, she has become a friend and I admire her work enough that I hired her for a project near and dear to my business. She has just finished writing my new Web site.
Could I have done it myself? Yes. Did I have time? No. Enter Andrea.
I will unveil the site in the next month or so, but Andrea really was the one to get it into shape.
Thanks Andrea for making this social media thing a lot more fun. Now, dear reader, what are you waiting for, go and see what she has to say, and wish her a happy one!
Photo: Taken when Andrea and I met up for lunch in Washnigton, D.C., June 2006