She’s called the “Shopify Queen” for a reason! Veronica Jeans, bestselling author of the Shopify Made Easy book series and member of Zoetica Media founder Kami Huyse’s Smart Social Mastery membership program, shared her secrets for helping businesses grow in today’s competitive marketplace at Social Media Breakfast of Houston.
A Strong Community Helps Grow Your eCommerce
Brand YOU: Building Your Own Personal Brand for Business Success
Creating your own personal brand is a necessity if you want to succeed in business, says Zoetica Media founder Kami Huyse. But doing what it takes is easier for some people than others; those who are uncomfortable promoting themselves find it more challenging. If that's you, read on!
In a recent livestream, she offers suggestions for how to create a personal brand that will elevate your profile and showcase your talents and expertise.
Learn from Experts with Strong Personal Brands
Google is “where I feel a lot of this is, your personal brand,” says Kami. She therefore read more...
Attracting and Keeping Your Dream Clients
For consultants, having clients with whom they are in alignment positively contributes to the delivery of high-quality results and overall client satisfaction. It also creates a more enjoyable work environment, which in turn increases the likelihood of a continued relationship and even referrals.
It’s why Zoetica Media founder Kami Huyse said that finding the right clients to work with “is a big deal” and admits she has “always had a high expectation of my clients and I often say that at Zoetica… we are an extension of our client's team.”
In a recent
Personal branding tips for professionals
Sometimes, just having a day job isn’t enough, especially when competition is tough and it’s hard to stand out in the job market. That’s why many people often turn to personal branding as a supplement - but how exactly can you handle two jobs at once? We have put together these personal branding tips for professionals to help you build your brand and make an impression at your job. Mila Clarke Buckley, who works as the Assistant Director of Digital Communications at Baker-Ripley and runs a blog known as the Hangry Woman, answered these questions and offered her tips and advice for growing a personal brand while maintaining your day read more...