Facebook is still the Grandaddy of social networks, but it is no longer a purely organic channel where you can build a community and expect that they will be engaged with your brand. Not without paying for ads anyway. For the public relations professional, this can be a really bitter pill to swallow, but the truth is that if you don’t pay for at least some of your posts on Facebook, people won’t see it. The good news is that you don’t have to put a huge budget against it to get fairly good results, especially for smaller Facebook pages. There are currently three types of Facebook ads which smaller pages and organizations should consider read more...
Who Owns the Social Media Play: Marketing, PR or Advertising?
Let me start by saying that each of the communication disciplines of marketing, public relations and advertising have strengths and weaknesses. One is not necessarily better than the other, they just have their inherent place.
- MARKETING is great at putting together communication that gets results
- PUBLIC RELATIONS is great at building and maintaining relationships, as well as creating informational content
- ADVERTISING is great at creating compelling and entertaining content that could go viral
Newspapers Will Include Web Circulation to Lure Advertisers
In a move that proves that media will adapt rather than die out, The Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), which is considered the gold standard for advertisers, announced yesterday that they will provide online audience figures in publisher's statements. They will measure unique visitors from Nielsen/Netratings, comScore Media Metrix and analytics tools that will be installed on the server. These numbers will be reported to advertisers. The initiative is slated to start on November 5, read more...