Part of participating in social media is sharing. Bloggers such as Todd Defren are rightfully calling for us to share more practical and successful social media case studies.
So, last week, I dug up a few case studies I had been saving as my own best practices guide and shared them here, but the post was inadvertently deleted (Yikes, my first major goof with Microsoft Live Writer Beta 2).
However, don't despair, the social media case study list is expanded and revised at “Now Is Gone,” a new blog dedicated to Geoff Livingston's soon-to-be released book, and to which I am now contributing along with Toby Bloomberg, Ike Pigott and Brian Solis.
So, consider this post a “call for entries.” Write up your case study on your blog and let us know so that we can link to it, and while you are at it, turn it into a pdf and send it to Jen McClure at the New Communications Review, where you can find a growing list of case studies as well. Better yet, enter the Excellence in New Communications Awards, which are due on September 28, 2007.
In a comment to this thread on David Jones' blog, Brendon Hodgson made a comment that really resonated with me:
I also tend to think there’s way too much punditry out there and (still) not a lot of crunchy doing (for clients, and for ourselves)…I’m feeling less inclined to read those who talk, and focus more of my time on those who ‘do'….”
So, let's show off all of that crunchy doing!
tags: Case+Study, Case+Studies, PR, Marketing, New+Media, Social+Media