There is a new place for the New PR set to play that Constantin, in his infinite wisdom, set up last Friday.
Already there have been 60 to 80 unique visitors every day, and hopefully growing, which should make this a great resource interesting and up-to-date articles. It will be better than Bulldog’s Daily Dog Blog Run (no offense to Jeremy of course) because it will allow all of us to vote on what we find most interesting.
I was honored that Constantin asked if I would serve as an administrator, along with several others. This means that we will be watching to make sure there is no spam or out-of line comments. I guess you could call it a playground monitor job 😉
So in order to be useful, I thought I would describe the site and some of its features.
The site is divided into four tabs: Headlines, Recent, Feeds and Forums.
Headlines: Are all of the most highly rated articles on the site. These will fall off of the top after a few days.
Recent: These are the articles that were most recently added and the feeder page for headlines. Visit here to help promote new articles.
Feeds: I am still trying to figure this one out. Right now they are all in Spanish. Any help Constantin
Forums: An easy way to track comments that are made on the New PR site. Users can comment on any article that has been submitted, plus you can see who voted for the top articles.
Playground Rules
- You don’t have to be a user to vote, but your vote counts for less, 3 points versus 10
- You must be a member of the site (through an easy sign-up process) to submit an article
- You can submit your own post, but do it sparingly, the administrators are most likely to delete people to submit EVERYTHING. However, Stephen Davies rightly pointed out that by allowing people to submit their own stuff, they don't have to be known to get noticed (very cool) Update: To be very clear here, I am talking about deleting only spam and completely off-topic posts that sell stuff like pharmaseuticals, for instance
- It is considered bad manners to vote for yourself, but people are doing it, we will see what the community ultimately thinks about this
- Use professional language and tone and don't game the system
- May the best content rise to the top
Playbook Tips
There is a bookmarklet for New PR that you can add to your bookmaks by right clicking and saying “Save to Bookmarks” This tool will allow you to nominate content as you surf and it will auto-populate the information needed. EASY.
Now I will also test a new piece of code that you should be able to add to your posts to get them selected for the New PR site.
Update: More conversation about the New PR site, and how it works, can be found in the dicussion about this article at the site. In the comments section, there are some more tips, including how to subscible to the New PR content.