In a move that proves that media will adapt rather than die out, The Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), which is considered the gold standard for advertisers, announced yesterday that they will provide online audience figures in publisher's statements.
They will measure unique visitors from Nielsen/Netratings, comScore Media Metrix and analytics tools that will be installed on the server. These numbers will be reported to advertisers.
The initiative is slated to start on November 5, 2007.
You might ask, “What does that have to do with PR?” What it means from my view is that those that practice public relations need to give serious thought to their media relations program since one article in the newspaper has the potential to reach many more people than current newspaper circulation suggests. How much more we will soon find out.
The only thing that is strange about the program is its name, which is Audience-FAX, which seems a bit archaic given that the fax is pretty much dead.
Anyone up for starting a “fax is dead” meme?
tags: Journalism, PR, Public+Relations, Circulation, Newspaper