Avinash Kaushik, a measurement guru with a fantastic blog Occam's Razor, challenged people to name their most treasured analytics report. His was his referral log, the blogs that refer to his. From that you can learn a wealth of information, including who and what sites are giving you the biggest bang for your effort.
I love that report too.
But my favorite report is my content report. Because that tells me what people actually care about, how much time they spend reading, where they are most likely to leave and how fast.
The only thing that really matters about this blog is the content and if it meets YOUR needs.
I use the free Google Analytics, but if you have a blog I advise that you use whatever analytics program that is comfortable to you to make your content better.
Also, right now I have enabled Avinash's free 4Q program to find out just why you do come. So I hope you said yes to the questionnaire if you were prompted. I am already learning a lot from the responses.
I am looking to serve you.
Tell me in the comments what content you are most interested in seeing here at Communication Overtones, and/or which of your own analytics reports are most important to you.