An Objective Press is Job Security for PR
Gary Goldhammer of Below the Fold makes the point that:
“There should be no line between where the journalist ends and the ‘citizen’ begins.”
My concern is that in blurring this line do we also blur objectivity?
This may not seem important, but it is the most important factor in effective public relations.
We work hard to get stories picked-up by the media every day because the stories in the media are trusted more than advertisements (for example).
Technorati Makes Good:
Case Study about Doing Social PR Right
I started this little blog two months ago and have been trying to "claim" my blog at Technorati the entire time. I couldn't do it. I sent in e-mails to help with no avail.
I made a comment about my experience with Technorati at Media Orchard yesterday and was told, "you get what you pay for."
However, today Dave Sifry himself left me this
Press Release Increases Blog Traffic I guess the press release isn’t dead after all. Guest columnist Ted Demopoulos at Pro Blogger recommends putting your blog address in press releases. He says that this press release drove 100 readers a day to his Santablog over the holidays. He has several other offline tips too, like putting your blog on your business card, letterhead, stickers, in presentations, on voicemail and in read more...
Measuring PR Value This is an age-old dilemma, how do we measure the value of PR against other disciplines, such as marketing? In the past, the most common “measurement” was Ad Value Equivalencies (AVE). I remember that Bacon’s used to serve them up with our clips and we dutifully reported them to the board. However, no one in their right mind uses these values any more because they are seen as the equivalent of snake oil. They are not meaningful and may be downright misleading. Recently, Katie Paine, one of the the measurement gurus of read more...
New PR Skill – Learn Social Media 5 Ways to Join the Conversation Fast Blogging with Flickr Originally uploaded by nico.. According to a story in the Daily Dog today about a survey conducted by an independent research firm for Accountemps, 31 percent of senior executives (including those from read more...
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