Public relations bases its outreach on earned communication -- whether through a social media tool, like a blog or podcast, or through gaining ink with a newsworthy story in the mainstream media.
But what happens when the public relation tactic chosen for a campaign becomes the story? And the tactic of contacting bloggers directly has become a pretty big story, damaging the credibility of Edelman, WalMart and the bloggers that carried their message.
That is what happened yesterday when the
Corporate Social Responsibility, A Tale of Two Companies
Corporate social responsibility has become the new rage within the PR community. Companies have been practicing CSR for years, but it seems to have gained new resonance, especially in the post-Enron environment of eroded public confidence in corporations.
But, what it CSR and how can one harness its benefits without sounding like self-serving come-on?
CSR is more than just donating money or getting involved in community causes, it is also engaging stakeholders in their concerns, driving principled behavior through strong corporate values, and using the corporate influence to ensure a sustainable world. CSR must be at read more...
Are 407 PR Feeds A Crowd?…Keeping Up
Have you ever felt like there is nothing good on your blog feeds? Or are you a little overwhelmed by trying to keep up with the sheer volume of feeds out there to choose from? Either way, get ready, because there are a rash of new PR feeds to check out.
Constantin Basturea reports
Life is Short…Live and Love Large
On Friday’s I usually reserve this space from something funny, but today it seemed more appropriate to trade it for something thought provoking instead.
Last Saturday, our friends lost their 4-month-old to sudden cardiac arrest. William was born last year with heart problems and had open heart surgery to repair some valves. At the time of his death, they were starting to think about a heart transplant.
Today, I attend this little one’s funeral where I read more...
Modular News Releases
So much talk has occurred around the meme (or idea) of the press release is dead that whenever it comes up again, everyone writes a reactionary response about their entrenched opinion and goes on with their life, only to have another boxing round again in about two to three months. I admit, I have done it myself and it is the third most popular post on this site.
I think that everyone agrees on the following points:
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