With only 10 percent of top blogs written by women (more on that in my next post), the talk in the tone in the blogosphere is sometimes decidedly of the men’s locker room variety.
Which might somewhat explain the wildfire viral meme earlier this week over a stock photo, some dirty talk, and posturing that thinly veiled a set of hairly legs and an ego as big as Chicago. Brian Connolly is the puppet master behind the ruse and he has used his titillating story to bash many bloggers, and even go after their families.
Many male bloggers, who I respect in every way, had a grand hay ride with Strumpette. I realize that this was fun, and it was the biggest commotion to hit our sleepy little corner of the blogosphere in weeks.
However, no matter what some guys may say, using overblown female stereotypes, which are hard to shed, is NOT the way to, as John Wagner put it, “poke a little of the air out of the overhyped ego of the PR profession.”
Poke away, I say, but don’t claim that this new site is in any way a “refreshing” or accurate look into the PR profession. That is unless you star in movies.
Forgive me if I strongly object to a man undercover who admits in his own comments that he is using a female “caricature purposely meant to satirize the [PR] business,” one that happens to claim all kinds of stereotypical sins.
Indeed, I am open to a conversation about the PR business and its shortcomings, but not at the expense of hard-earned respect.
Thanks to all of the guys who have publicly stood up against this tactic and didn’t fall for this line of thinking, it is appreciated.