Tuesday, Alan Weinkrantz and I are speaking at IABC chapter in San Antonio on the topic of corporate blogging.
Thanks to all of you who submitted ideas and thoughts on the questions about corporate blogging in preparation for this presentation.
I am as ready as I can be. As I said in my first post, I don't pretent to know everything about this topic, but I have been listening and watching and hopefully I can share my experience backed up by some good case studies and examples.
I assembled a purpose-built del.icio.us page to accompany my presentation. So, no handouts, just one simple URL that contains all the links. Hat tip to Todd Defren for the idea, who is using it to track the meme of the social media release and who just got some coverage of the idea in the issue of BusinessWeek on the stands now (not bad, Todd).
I just talked to Alan earlier today and for his part he will have some killer examples of public relations programs he has recently been involved with, including one about some new technology which will deliver television over a telephone line. He is currently in the midst of this campaign at his SAtechBlog.
Finally, PR blogger Lauren Vargas will be here for the luncheon from Dallas. She should win the doorprize for coming the longest distance. So, I am going to give her a signed and numbered print by Hugh McLeod.
It should be a great day!