Today I am participating in a PRSA teleseminar called: Social Media Update: Legal Implications, Get some guidelines and stay out of trouble!
As has been pointed out by some (see comments), I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on television. However, I have been working through some of these issues with clients and their legal counsel.
Scott Baradell, a media and entertainment blogger, and a former corporate communications executive, will also be on the call.
Also, we convinced Alysa Zeltzer, an Associate with the law firm of Kelley Drye Collier Shannon who specializes in advertising, privacy, and data security counseling and litigation, to join the call. She counsels and represents clients in all forms of consumer protection matters.
Scott and my role on the call will be to talk about the questions that corporate communication executives should be asking when considering a foray into social media and Alysa will help us wade through the legal implications.
I have put together a list of legal resources prepared by the three speakers that you might want to look over if you, or your company, is considering dipping your toes into the corporate blogwaters. And if other resources are mentioned during the call, I will be sure to add them. Happy reading!