Jerimiah Owyang started a meme, asking us if we respect media snackers, or people looking for a quick hit of information and entertainment before they move on?
Geoff Livingston tagged me, and so here are a few ways I respect those of you that like to snack a little and can't be bothered with my usual long-winded thought pieces.
5 Media Snacks If you subscribe to my feed, you will know that I often tag items that automatically show up in your feedreader. According to Google Analytics, people click on these links more than they do on my content, a linked up media snack.
KamiChat YouTube Videos: I take my handy Flip camera with me whenever I travel to capture quick videos with communication and public relations experts, a video media snack
Flickr: I mostly use Flickr for my posts to give you a visual that illustrates my post but also share photos on the site, a visual media snack
My Blog Sidebar: I use the right navigation bar of the blog to serve content ala carte. It includes my top 10 content, as determined by Google Analytics and you, and also serves my Twitter feed, a quick bite media snack
Bonus Personal Snack: Here is a little audio snack of me engaging in my favorite pastime. Something only a few of you already know about me. If I was only a little bit younger I could have been an American Idol, just kidding.
And now I have to tag six of you to share with us your own media snacks. First for a few bloggers from whom I get a steady diet of media snacks, Kevin Dugan, ToddAnd, and Shel Israel
and those that are some of my best blog buddies, both old and new, Susan Getgood, Lauren Vargas, Valeria Maltolni and Andrea Weckerle, since I just have never been great at following the rules.
Photo of favorite apple and caramel snack by Zinckr, yum!
tags: Media+Snack, Jerimiah+Owyang, Fun, Social+Media