If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying? – Shantideva
One of the things I have learned in life is that worry never solves a problem and only serves to keep you up at night.
While I KNOW this, I often have to remind myself. Just last night I woke up around 3 a.m. and started to worry about a business problem. I had to tell myself to stop worrying. I quickly generated a few ideas about how to solve the problem and then easily fell back to sleep.
One of my old bosses did me a favor when he told me to never come to him with a problem unless I had a proposed solution. It was a great lesson.
Instead of worrying, why not spend that time generating alternatives? When you start to worry about something professional or personal, take out a notepad and start writing down possible solutions, even seemingly crazy ones.
Even if most of your ideas won't work, one of them might be the solution to your problem – or lead you to a solution.
Also, make a list of people with whom you can share your problem and then call, e-mail or “tweet” them and ask for their ideas about how to solve your problem.
Recently, a friend of mine who was reviewing the next steps for her career asked me to do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis about her job performance. What a great idea!
Ask your friends to do the same for you and you might be surprised with what they offer.
Use adversity as a way to grow and in a few years you will look back and see it as a pivotal turning point.
How does this have anything to do with PR and communication, you might ask? It has EVERYTHING to do with it. What is communication if not a series of problems to be solved with innovative ideas?
How do you stop worrying? Would love to hear your story.