Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence is necessary for businesses that want to stay relevant and competitive. But the key to using AI’s capabilities doesn’t lie in handing over all decision-making and creativity. AI isn’t a replacement for human insights and judgements.
In fact, quite the opposite: To fully benefit from AI, it’s necessary to apply a human touch.
To explain how to do this, Zoetica Media founder Kami Huyse recently outlined the very best ways for marketing professionals and consultants to use AI to help them get noticed, stay noticed, and grow their business.
Make Sure Your AI is Primed Before You Get Started
“You're going to have to learn how to talk with the AI,” says Kami. As with any new technology, there’s a learning curve, and with AI chat-based tools like ChatGPT or Bard, that’s ensuring you take preparatory steps. “We've heard a lot about prompting, ….but one of the things that I haven't heard a lot of people talking about is prepping the AI or training the AI.”
Become a Co-Worker with AI through Custom Instructions
Prime AI with specific information unique to your needs and wants. “Before you prompt it to ask it to do what you want it to do, you have to give it context. Context is everything when it comes to artificial intelligence,” she says.
With ChatGPT, for example, you can submit detailed answers to the questions of “What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?” and “How would you like ChatGPT to respond?”
Here are how Kami answered these questions:
What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
I'm Kami Huyse, a Houston-based social media strategist and community builder. I'm the CEO of Zoetica Media, an agency founded in 2010, specializing in social media and content marketing for medium to large businesses.
Key Expertise:
- Social media strategy and content marketing for brands.
- Leveraging social media for client and customer engagement.
- Developing strategic content marketing plans.
- Streamlining business communication through systems and processes.
- Prioritizing leadership and mindset skills.
Specific Initiatives:
- Founder of Smart Social Mastery, aimed at empowering 500+ PR and Marketing consultants and coaches.
- Conducting free Instant Authority workshops, helping professionals refine strategy and generate 30 impactful ideas.
- At Zoetica Media, we foster online communities for loyal customers, serving as an extension of clients' teams.
- Our services encompass social media content creation, management, and interaction.
- We offer content marketing solutions, including podcasts, blogs, livestream consulting, and vlog creation.
- We provide training to enhance internal teams' capabilities.
How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
Writing Style:
- My writing is informal yet professional. It's conversational and informative, often using personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate points. I use an engaging and friendly tone.
- Overall, my style is engaging and educational, aiming to solve problems for readers or make promises to address them at events.
- Always write in active voice:
- Generally adhering to the formula of “subject, verb, object.” Occasional similies and alliteration are fun ways to spice up the copy vs. over-the-top or overused adjectives.
- I limit the use of excessive hyperbole and emojis, keeping them to a minimum.
- My paragraphs are concise, typically consisting of two sentences.
- I use a persuasive style that avoids overselling.
- I also employ bullet points and headings for clarity and organization.
- You can address me as Kami, or @Kamichat on social media platforms.
- While I do share opinions, I prefer to present them in a way that educates or provides insights, rather than simply complaining or insulting.
Branded Hashtags:
- Use #smartsocialsecrets for Smart Social Mastery and #smbhou for Social Media Breakfast of Houston, when applicable on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Ask Your AI Tools a Series of Questions
It should be obvious by now that the value of the information AI chat tools provide is largely based on the specificity of the instructions and questions you ask. For example, if you are writing a marketing email, a question might be, “What [information] do you need me to give you in order to successfully write this email?”
Both ChatGPT and Bard do this well, she notes. “[They] will spit back to you a list of questions of things they need and then all you have to do is answer those questions.”
She goes on to explain, “if you are writing something to a specific audience you might start by giving the AI a very detailed description of who your audience actually is.” These are context questions that help the AI craft the right tone and content for your situation. “The more information you give the AI the better. There’s demographics… and all the things we put into a creative brief.”
Here are some sample questions she has successfully used:
Step 1: Basic Questions
Primer: “Tell me what you know about [your topic or solution].”
This initial primer establishes the context and helps you evaluate the AI chatbot's baseline understanding of the topic.
Step 2: Focused Questions
Primer: “What are the advantages of [your topic] over traditional alternatives?”
This primer tests the AI chatbot's ability to differentiate between your solution and conventional solutions by narrowing the focus. You might need to list out the traditional alternatives or competitors specifically. If the chatbot doesn't know, you may have to explain what they are yourself.
Step 3: Detailed Questions
Primer: “Discuss the challenges faced by [your topic or audience] in today's context.”
This more detailed question prompts the AI chatbot to explore specific aspects of [your topic], showcasing its comprehension of the nuances within the subject. You might also want to add a detailed description of your clients or customers here. Also, you might want to tell the AI Chatbot to add challenges you know exist but which it didn't list.
Step 4: Personalized or Niche Questions
These will be completely dependent on the conversation so far.
Teach AI Your Unique Voice
Another important part of leveraging AI’s full capabilities is ensuring you teach it your voice. Voice in this case means your writing style, how you express yourself, and what you want it to focus on. Detailed information is always better than general information.
Here are sample instructions Kami recently used for her own work:
Voice Analysis Prompts
- Prompt: Learn my writing style from the following text. [Cut and paste less than 1000 characters of past writing or transcript into your chat tool. Hit enter and it will analyze.]
- Prompt: Here is some more text that will help you analyze my writing style. [Add more text.]
- Prompt: With the same writing style, which is [enter your writing style paragraph], write a short paragraph for a social media post on the topic of xyz.
Insert Your Humanness
Once AI has shared the information you requested, it’s time to review everything and add your own touch.
“When you're done with something like this you also need to go back through and put and insert your humanness in it in the sense of [adding] stories in, put background, put whatever [in]. So not only will it have your voice, but also it's going to have your your storytelling in it, and that
is something that an AI can't do,” Kami says. “They don't have anecdotes, they don't have experiences like that.”
She likens it to being a chef. “You're a chef, you're a chef of the recipe,” she explains. “The AI recipe takes a lot of things, it takes all the ingredients” and puts them together. “On top of that, you're going to have your… your spices, how you put it together, and that is the creative value.”
Learn more about using AI effectively by watching Kami’s full livestream.
And make sure to unlock your creative genius in the AI Revolution with our generative AI recipe and tools – download now to stay relevant and showcase your unique voice!