Cliff Arnell, a health psychologist specializing in confidence building and stress management at the University of Cardiff in Wales, UK, has once again scored major international coverage with his formula explaining why today is the gloomiest day of 2006.
According to the Boston Globe, the formula was originally created for a travel agency. However, Arnell seems to have highjacked it for his own messages.
Arnall suggests keeping fit, mentally active and volunteering for a good cause to avoid the annual slump.
For those accomplished in math that want to see the proof for yourself, here is the formula:
1/8W + (D-d) 3/8 x TQ
M x NA
The variables are (W)eather, (D)ebt, (d) monthly salary, (T)ime since Christmas, time since failure to (Q)uit a bad habit, low (M)otivational levels, and (NA), need to take action.
The reverse formula to establish the happiest day of the year, taking into account outdoor activities, holidays, memories of childhood summers and time off from work.
O + (N x S) + Cpm
T + He
The variables are Outdoors (O); Nature (N); Social Interaction (S), Childhood Summers/Positive Memories (Cpm), Temperature (T), and Holidays (He).
Last year it was June 24th so there are only six months left to go.
You can see an interview with Arnell here.