Learning Blogging Lessons
Okay, a few things I learned today. First, never write an important, detailed blog in the blogger interface. Second, write it in WordPad or a blogging hack, not in Word.
Today, I found that my RSS feed got all messed up because I had cut and paste something in from Word into a post. BAM! The whole thing fell apart. I went and removed the offending code and everything was back to normal.
While I was at Feedburner, I checked my stats and found out that I have five new subscribers. It doesn't sound like a lot, but for a new blogger it means the world. So, thanks, whoever you are.
Next, I put together a post with some more analysis of the PRSA survey and how it should be read by those who want to communicate through a blog. A little bit of grist about understanding your audience. Then, Firefox, the cool browser I use, locked up on me and I lost the entire post. !!!!! Arrggg !!!!!
It reminded me of when I first used a Word Processor in college and I didn't think to save as I went. I think I lost a paper and an article (I worked for the Broadside, student newspaper at George Mason University) before I learned my lesson.
Obviously, I haven't learned it yet either, because I am again writing in the editor. I tried using Bloggers new Word tool, but it is awful, the posts look terrible, see my Talk Like A Human post and you will get my drift.
Anyway, I can't bear to re-write the other post now and I have to go pick up my son (19 months) from daycare, so time to sign out.
I have much more tomorrow, including how to deal with trackbacks.