The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is hosting a convening of leaders from 11 foundations, as well as experts in evaluation, social media, and communications to develop measures for evaluating the impact of social media on the outcomes that are most important to foundations. These outcomes go beyond how many followers or friends an organization amasses and go to more important social media measurement like the impact on organizational mission and social change.
In an effort to open up this discussion to a wider community we are working with RWJF staff Debra Joy Perez(@djoyperez), assistant vice president, Research and Evaluation, and Tina Kauh (@tinakauh), program officer, Research and Evaluation to moderate a Twitter chat on Thursday, April 18, 3-4 p.m. EDT. You can follow with me at Kami Huyse (@kamichat).
It will be a great opportunity for a much wider group to set the stage for a discussion about moving beyond the obvious measures and the challenges to tying social media activities to measureable outcomes in social change. I hope those of you interested in subject will drop in to lend your expertise. This chat is an opportunity to engage with other professionals around current practices, assumptions, and opportunities to measure the impact of social media on philanthropic outcomes. While it has a foundation focus, it can also apply to social movements and other nonprofit endeavors.
We will be asking the following questions, among others (feel free to add your own questions in the comments section below)
- How do u know if social media strengthens perceptions of an organization as a valuable information source? #SM_RE
- How do u know if social media multiplies an organization's impact thru broader dissemination? #SM_RE
- How do u know if the public knows, advocates or acts MORE because of social media efforts? #SM_RE
- How do u know if an organization's network is growing stronger via social media? #SM_RE
Social Media Measurement Twitter Chat: Evaluating Impact of Social Media on Foundation Outcomes
- When: Thursday, April 18, 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. EDT
- Where: Log into Twitter and search the hashtag #SM_RE
- Please RSVP on Eventbrite to confirm your attendance
Register Here:
You can register for the event on Eventbrite (not required) and it will add it to your calendar so you don’t forget!
Fantastic job writing Social Media Measurement Twitter Chat.